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- Submissions must be 100% exclusively owned by you.
- Submit your article only once. Duplicate submissions will not be accepted.
- Submissions that are commercial or advertorial in content are not acceptable. This includes: advertisements, sales letters, promotional copy, or articles with blatant/excessive self-promotion or hype.
- Submissions must be a minimum of 300 words. There is no maximum number of words. Articles must be informative by providing useful content.
- Submissions must not tease the reader to another site to get the full effect. Your article content must deliver on the promise.
- Submissions cannot not be plagiarized or in violation of another authors copyright.
- Submissions must not contain or reference adult/ pornographic content, defamatory, libelous, or promote illegal activities or that are in violation of another persons, or companies, rights or trademarks.
- Submissions must contain proper English, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure and should be proof read by you or another party prior to submission.
- Submissions must not be spun or be PLR (Private Label Rights) articles or term papers/essays for sale.
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