If you have shopped for a new car or truck recently you might have been aghast when you saw...
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Are Security Window Bars a Thing of the Past?
The practice of putting security bars on windows and doors reportedly dates back to before the Roman Empire. Even...
You Are Not Defenseless! Defend Yourself with Common Everyday Weapons
Some time ago I wrote an article entitled Practical Personal Self-Defense Weapons where I reviewed a number of practical...
Driving Out the Homeless with Spikes, Ear Piercing Sounds, and Water Torture
According to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Annual Homeless Assessment Report, as of 2018 there were...
The Physicalsecurityonline.com Layered Home Security Plan
Over the years I have researched numerous security products and written a number of articles on ways to protect...
Security Lights That Track Intruders
The history of motion activated sensors for alarms can be traced back to the 1950’s when New York inventor...
Research Resources for Security Professionals (or anyone interested in security issues)
I spent over three decades in law enforcement investigating crimes and arresting crooks. My law enforcement career gave me...
Security Signs with Menacing Eyes
As a private investigator in my home state of Oregon I frequently get hired to look-into “things.” Many of...
CCTV Cameras Don’t Guarantee 100% Surveillance; Here’s Why
Security concerns are a major issue these days owing to our cosmopolitan lifestyle and our hectic work schedules. It...