Protect yourself with Secret Phone Numbers
What is a “secret” phone number? A secret phone number is simply a phone number that does not identify...
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What You Should Know BEFORE You Hire a Private Investigator
Most people do not regularly hire private investigators and seeking out a private investigator and selecting the best investigator...
Body Cameras for Private Security Officers: Why it’s not happening
About three year ago I wrote an article predicting that some private security officers would soon start using body...
Thieves go Nuts over Nut and Crop Thefts
As a private investigator here in Oregon, I get inquiries from all kinds of people asking me to investigate...
The Creepy Guy Case
Sooner or later most security directors, security managers and supervisors will inevitably become aware of an employee who feels...
Opportunities for Security Professionals Grow with Legalized Marijuana
There was a time in the United States when possession of just a small amount of marijuana residue could...
Off Grid Locations Require “Old-School” Layered Security
One of the challenges of securing a remote location like a cabin, boat shelter, shed, barn, or other structure...
Is Your Company Security Policy Worse than Worthless?
One of my earliest cases as a private investigator involved a chain of auto repair shops where managers at...
Confession and Statements Obtained by Private Security upon Promise of Leniency Ruled INVALID
Over three decades in law enforcement I investigated many crimes and as an Internal Affairs investigator and police manager,...